Keeping medication safe - advice for parents and caregivers

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

It is extremely important to keep any medication in your house out of the reach of children or others who it is not intended for. You can prevent accidents and overdoses by keeping medicine locked up, out of reach, and out of sight.

Go through this safety checklist to keep medicines out of reach and sight: 

  • Medicine should be stored out of sight and locked away from where children, teenagers or other people who may take them, can see them or reach them.
  • A high shelf is not enough as even small children can climb
  • Make sure only you or other appropriate adults have access to the key(s).
  • Keep medicine in its original child-resistant packaging.
  • Do not take your medication or other substances in front of children.
  • Instead of keeping medicine close to hand, use reminder tools to help you remember when to take and give doses such as an alarm or planner.
  • Take unwanted medicines to the pharmacy for disposal.
  • Store and dispose of all injecting equipment and empty containers safely.

What to do if you think a child or someone else has taken your medication:

  • Phone for an ambulance to get urgent medical attention
  • Take the medication container (and any remaining contents) with you, so the doctor knows what the child or person has taken
  • Do not try and make them sick – this may make things worse and if the person is unconscious, lie them on their side to make their breathing easier and to help stop them inhaling vomit if they are sick

More information and local support

You can find more information and a range of support about medicines, as well as drugs, alcohol and mental health on the We Are With You website: