Working with our VCF sector


We commission a range of services from local voluntary, community and faith (VCF) organisations towards improving wellbeing and addressing health inequalities in Sefton. This supports our priority work in Shaping Sefton, our annual operational plan, ‘Highway to Health’, as well as the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment and Health and Sefton's Health and Wellbeing Strategy that we work on together with the council.


Description of the service

Priority health areas addressed by services

Sefton Advocacy Advocacy service for people aged 16+


Supporting mental health, older people and Learning Disabilities agendas

Sefton CAB Mental Health Project

Advocacy support for in-patients at Clock View Hospital

Mental health support

Supporting hospital discharges

Imagine Individual Placement Support Employment Service Mental health support
Sefton CVS

Children, Young People and Family Lead (Every Child Matters)

Health and Wellbeing Development Officer & Support Officer

Health & Wellbeing Trainers x 4 (Supporting South Sefton Virtual Ward Programme)

Community Development Worker BME Communities

Children and families

Wellbeing and reablement

Community and housing for people with mental health issues

Support for BME communities

Alzheimer's Society

Dementia Community Support Service

Dementia Peer Group Support Service

Improving Public and Professional Awareness Service

Dementia support for patients and their families/carers
SWACA, Sefton Women’s and Children’s Aid Women and Children’s Aid centre, Child and Adolescent Mental Health Children and families – Domestic Violence Support
SWAN Centre

Counselling and Listening Service

Outreach Service

Support Group - Staying Out Project

Women’s Mental Health Support
Sefton Age Concern Befriending and Reablement Service Dementia support for patients and their families/carers
Wellbeing and tackling loneliness for older adults
Expect Service provided at Bowersdale Resource Centre Support for people with mental health issues
Sefton Carers Centre Advocacy for Parent Carers

Children and families
CHART, Crosby Housing Reablement Team, Crosby Housing Re enablement Team Wellbeing and reablement
Netherton Feelgood Factory Health Promotion Wellbeing and reablement
Parenting 2000 Children and families needing support: special needs, low self-esteem and confidence, emotional issues, drugs and alcohol, domestic abuse, bereavement Children and families
Stroke Association Intermediate Care (Carers and advocacy, Communication) Wellbeing and reablement