Find more local services

There are a number of other websites where you can find out about even more health and social care services in Sefton.      

Sefton Directory

The Sefton Directory provides comprehensive online information about local services, events and activities - all in one place. It includes things to do for children and young people, as well as a wide range of information about what’s available for adults – with the aim of keeping everyone in Sefton active, healthy and well. 

VCF Direct

This online directory has detailed information about about local voluntary, community and faith organisations that offer help, advice and support.

Sefton's Local Offer

You can find everything you need to know for children and young people age 0-25yrs with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) from this website - from their rights as a citizen or services for education, employment or health. If you can not easily find the information you need on the Local Offer website, contact Sefton’s Information, Advice and Support Service on 0151 934 3334 or by email