North Mersey Joint Committee


The North Mersey Joint Committee is made up of representatives of NHS Knowsley Clinical Commissioning Group (CCG), NHS Liverpool CCG, NHS South Sefton CCG and NHS Southport & Formby CCG. It was formed so that collective commissioning decisions could be made about services used by people living across these four areas. The four individual governing bodies each agree the services/programmes the Joint Committee can make decisions about.

Each of the four CCGs has three representatives from its governing body on the Joint Committee. Healthwatch are also invited to put forward a representative to attend on behalf of the three local Healthwatch organisations. The Joint Committee will meet as required – at least once a year - and these meetings are held in public.

Here are the full terms of reference for the North Mersey Joint Committee.

A Register of Interests is also available for the committee members and is available here.

Joint Committee meetings are held in public, so members of the public can observe the business of the meeting but cannot take part in the debate, unless specifically invited to do so by the chair. Time will be allocated at the end of each meeting for public questions.

If you wish to attend the Joint Committee, or would like to submit a question to be raised, please email Please also advise Paula if you have any special needs that we might need to be aware of to assist your attendance at a meeting and we will do our best to accommodate them.

Meeting dates, venues and papers are available below.

  • Tuesday 28 November 2018 - 9.30am, boardroom, 3rd floor Merton House, NHS South Sefton CCG, Stanley Road, Bootle, L20 3DL
  • Friday 5 November 2021 - 10am-11am, Microsoft Teams - Click here to join the meeting



November 2021
Category: 2021
FileSize: 5794282 bytes
Create Date: 02 Nov 2021

November 2018
Category: 2018
FileSize: 3034854 bytes
Create Date: 26 Nov 2018